To anticipate the next video-album by Massimo BuffettiLa via della danza – is La fine dell’inizio, now available on all online platforms.

La fine dell’inizio is a track from the recent work Oper/in/a Bottle, produced by Spring Art Development and in collaboration with Autorivari APS.

The piece recounts the moment that ends gestation and a moment before a new existence begins.

In the video, the dancer Rita Carrara interprets the symbolic act, choreographed by Arianna Benedetti. She is accompanied on stage by actress Alessandra Bedino, singer Barbara Eramo and musicians from the Fabbrica del nulla ensemble – Stefano Agostini on flutes, Carlo Failli on clarinets, Luca Guidi on guitars and Massimo Buffetti on piano.

Rob Nigro was in charge of the sound, while Gabriele Termine was responsible for the lighting. The scene video and the clip were made by Sandro Nardoni for Art Meet.

The piece is available in both audio and video formats.

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